How it Works

Technical Details

The Heart Combustion Engine is a cutting-edge internal combustion engine designed to complete the entire 4-stroke cycle in a single rotation of the crankshaft. This enhanced efficiency results in lower emissions and reduced heat production. The engine achieves a 19% reduction in exhaust gas temperature and a 52% reduction in exhaust gas pressure, providing twice the power output of traditional engines at the same RPM.

Key Technical Features


360-Degree Combustion Cycle:

  • Unlike conventional four-stroke engines that require two crankshaft rotations to complete the cycle, the Heart engine completes all four stages (intake, compression, power, and exhaust) in a single rotation.

Variable Compression Ratio:

  • A patented mechanism allows for the design of the Heart engine with any desired compression ratio. This flexibility enables the engine to operate on the true Atkinson cycle, characterized by a longer expansion stroke than compression stroke, thereby increasing efficiency over the Otto and Diesel cycles.

Flexible Configuration:

  • The patented equation underlying the Heart engine’s mechanism supports an infinite number of stroke configurations. This adaptability allows the engine to be tailored for a wide variety of applications and fuels.

Technical Specifications

The Heart Combustion Engine integrates an additional mechanism into a traditional engine structure. This mechanism comprises:

  • Two Crankshafts with Crankpins
  • Two Coupled Gears: Of equal diameter, each fixed to a crankshaft, rotating in counter-phase.
  • Rotating Arm: Pivots around a fixed point on the engine block.
  • Three Connecting Rods: Link the pistons to the crankshafts and the rotating arm.
  • Connecting Rod: Connects the main connecting rods.

Adjustments to the configuration and dimensions of these components allow for variations in the duration of each stroke. For example, the intake phase can be shortened without the need to expel part of the mixture by delaying the closure of the intake valve.



Increased Efficiency:

  • The 360-degree combustion cycle and variable compression ratio achieve higher thermal efficiency compared to traditional engines, leading to reduced fuel consumption and emissions.

Higher Specific Power:

  • The Heart engine provides significantly more power for the same displacement than traditional engines.

Fuel Flexibility:

  • Can be configured to run on various fuels, including biofuels and hydrogen.

Reduced Vibrations:

  • The engine’s unique mechanism results in lower vibration levels compared to conventional engines.

Standard Architecture:

  • The Heart engine retains a design similar to traditional engines, facilitating integration with existing auxiliary systems.

Potential Applications

The Heart Combustion Engine is suitable for a wide range of applications, including:

  • Power Generators
  • Marine Engines
  • Passenger Vehicles
  • Military Vehicles
  • Range Extenders for Electric Vehicles
  • Agricultural Machinery
  • Aircraft

The Heart Combustion Engine represents a significant advancement in internal combustion engine technology, offering enhanced efficiency, power, and adaptability for various industrial applications.
